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Sony Ireland extorts you to destroy your new phone box to get a promotional gadget

Sony Ireland extorts you to destroy your new phone box to get a promotional gadget

I've just happily bought a long-awaited new Xperia 5 II and applied for a promotional headset submitting all the required strictly by the rules that say: 

Fill in the campaign form providing the following details:
· Your product information: model, IMEI-1, purchase date and retailer
· Your personal details: name, email address, postal address and telephone number
· Your proof of purchase (order confirmation)
· A picture of your IMEI-1: IMEI-1 screenshot from your "About Phone" Menu or picture of the full sticker
with model, barcodes and IMEI numbers on the box
After providing this information, please click on the “Submit” button."


To my surprise and frustration, and against the promotion's T&C and FAQs, Sony startingly replies literally forcing me to cut the box apart for a sticker with codes and picture it on a single-coloured surface OR I'll kiss my headset goodbye. Thus they are actually blackmailing me to destroy the beautiful package which is a part of the unique €900-set design! And, what if it's a gift, huh? This is called extortion spitting on their valuable customer and his/her consumer rights.

I'm asking for an answer from Sony.

RE: Sony Promotion Participation: picture of IMEI not OK [case:21488021][email:356703062]

Not applicable

 I founded this request is really strange as why would you want me to tear down my box and exactly what if it's a gift ? but it turned out that this request is a must to prevent any scam that could happen, like someone can just take a picture for the needed details on the box in the store and send it to them and he'll get the headphones without even buying the phone.

You can just cut the needed part gently without ruining the whole box

I can't see anywhere that it asks for a box to be cut up or destroyed.

They require proof of purchase, and the IMEI number, be it a photo of the sticker on the box, or the picture from the section on your phone dialler.

Hardly a deal breaker, as it means you simply can't apply then send the phone back.


The UK offer stipulated you had to wait 14 days after purchase before applying, as the 14 days is the return window for the phone, and after that you were free to apply.

Stops con men and people who just want a freebie.

And I'm sure if it was a gift, the person who received it may be happier applying as the headset would be for them, not you.

Hardly extortion.

Not applicable

I think it's some how manageable to do, not that critical to deal with, just cut the place that has the sticker without affecting the rest of the box.