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Xperia 1 starts lagging and becomes unusable after Android 10 update


Xperia 1 starts lagging and becomes unusable after Android 10 update

After updating to Android 10 my phone starts performing so badly after its been on for some time. The UI lags, it takes up to a minute to open an app, scrolling takes forever. Restarting the phone makes it go away but I have to restart every 8 hours or so. It got so bad I decided to do a software repair with the Sony Companion and even after doing so it still happens. Booted up in safe mode, still happens, stopped using live wallpapers and it helped for a bit but problem always comes back if I dont hard reset the phone. The phone was buttery smooth before this update.


Did you restore the full backup?


On the other hand: you mention that it is lagging in safe mode too.

I would suggest to do the Xperia Companion software repair one more time.

Make shure that battery is at >80% charged.

Oh and PS

I had problems with SD card which wasn't recognised well after the update.

SanDisk, I cannot erase nor update that one. :-((

Without SD card and now with a new one the machine works like a charm.


My Xperia 1 got the exact same problems as urs...after updated to Android 10, my device start to lag badly on every apps as well as system UI... games became unplayable...apps freezes more often...I tried to restore n repair few times but no luck, went into safe mode, no luck too...come on phone was buttery smooth on Android 9...


Your phone probably runs out of ram. My zx3 is using 3,8 out of 3,9 after the upgrade. The phone is more or less useless now. 😖


Yeah, this is really annoying. I've done 2 factory resets. One from the phone, and when that didn't help, I did one with the Xperia Companion app (Repair software). Every problem started immediately after Android 10 update. Insane lag, videos not playing properly, camera crashing randomly (unknown error when trying to start it) etc.

Today, after once more doing a reset, I noticed that the "Game Bar" -thing claims that the phone is running too hot. Even if I just booted it. Also tested it outside at negative temps, still claims to be too hot. The thing is, It doesn't feel hot. Didn't notice this before as it is one of the first things I get rid of. So maybe all these graphics related issues (slow ui, bad video playback and games/app-lag) are caused by temperature sensors not being read correctly and causing throttling? Just a thought.

Also, I don't have SD card installed because I use dual sims, and don't have many apps running on background.

Anyway, don't really care about the reason for the lag, I just expect Sony to fix this. It's clear it has something to do with Android 10 update, as the phone was really nice and smooth to use before it.


I updated my Xperia 1 to android 10 just before Christmas and it's gone from being the best phone I've ever had to a frustrating piece of rubbish. Apps crash, app icons take a few seconds to load when I open the app screen, Facebook doesn't work properly, lots of different issues. I've done a factory reset and cleared caches etc, nothing has helped. I'm not happy. I hope the issues are resolved soon.


I updated to android 10 a month ago and everything seems fine.  Over a week without restarting my pbone, the OS still very smooth. I have one suggestion,  try to enabe and disable stamina mode even the stamina mode is disabled.  


I don't have these problem.

My live wallpaper I use is "Sony Alpha a Clock"

Gaming is fine. 

There is a second rollout update 2/1/2020, I'll let ya know how that goes:



My xperia 1 is also having stability and performance issues since i installed the android 10 update.

My biggest problem is random crashes while gaming (Arena of Valor, a game they promoted this phone with). I can occasionally get a full game without a crash, but usually it will crash 2 times out of 3 or 4 games. This is a big problem when playing a 5v5 game like that. Beside gaming, I also feel the phone struggles a little bit more, here and there in regular use.

I tried playing with the game graphic settings (full low settings to full high settings) and it doesn't seem to change anything. I tried playing with various game enhancer modes, like clearing memory and such, focus modes etx, no effects. It still crashes randomly.

I'm almost sure this is only happening since I got the android 10 update. So until Sony fixes this or I find a fix, I cannot even use my xperia 1 for gaming. Good thing is I still have my XZ3 where I can play games without crashes. But this is still really bad. This may be my last Sony phone.


So, I was suffering from these issues too, as I posted previously. I tried multiple factory resets, clearing cache for every app, doing software repairs etc. For a moment I thought that just repairing the software helped, but no. Nothing really fixed the issues. After a day, the constant camera crashes, app crashes, icons not loading, phone being really slow in general etc came back. Still, it was clearly an issue with the Android 10 update and possibly some apps messing things up (maybe even the garbage that is bundled with the phone, like Accuweather), so I wasn't quite ready to take the phone to service.

And I did indeed manage to fix it after several tries. What solved it for me was:

- Prepared the phone for "sale", meaning, removed all google accounts, pin codes etc. before reset.

- Did a software repair with the companion app.

- After that, I did another factory reset from the phone, just to be completely sure it was empty (don't really think this was necessary, but doesn't take much time so why not).

- Now I logged in with my google account like it was a new phone, and when it was time to restore my backup, I only restored contacts / messages etc. Leaving out apps and phone settings.

- After restoring only the absolute essentials from my backup, I restarted my phone and installed just the apps that I actually use daily from Play store.

It is a lot of work to set the phone up the way I like it, install the apps again etc, but it was worth it.

It's been a week and I haven't had a single crash, slowdown or any issues. The phone feels like new. Icons load instantly, camera works well, games not lagging. Although, the "game mode" thingy is still bad, and I disabled it immediately.

The thing is, I didn't have any special apps installed, or a large number. Just some regular ones like audible, whatsapp, spotify, few authenticators, Outlook, the usual social media apps and bunch of Adobe stuff etc. So don't really know why this made the difference.

There is still the random "waiting for backup" issue, which apparently is known on many different manufactures so more an android 10 thing than sony issue. Meaning that the backup function doesn't start unless you remove your pin-code, or wait a few days.

If these steps hadn't fix my problems, my next step would have been almost like I now did, but instead of logging in after reset, at that point I'd have flashed Xperia 1 stock rom for Android 9.