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Xperia 1 problem solving & tips

Xperia 1 problem solving & tips

It is never fun to experience unexpected behaviour with one's device, here's a good guide in order to get you started in resolving the case at hand!

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Global user based support forum, or my local support?

In order to be assisted with further troubleshooting, there are a few pointers which will help you receive help. For example, does your case concern something which is local to you? Since this is a Global user based support forum, the forum boards are best suited for assisting you with global questions - something which isn't specific only to you and your market.

Examples of local cases would be questions regarding a repair service, warranty terms, consumer laws, local campaigns and so forth. These types of questions are best suited for your Local support, as they are always well informed in regards to questions which concern your local market

If your case is not local, there are still a few steps which you may perform yourself prior to participating in a discussion on the forum. For example, do you suspect that a recently downloaded app could be the cause of the behaviour which you are experiencing? If so, then you may try rebooting your device in safe mode in order to see if a third party app could be to blame - as they are disabled while in safe mode (they are reenabled upon a normal reboot).Here's a video guide on how to reboot to safe mode, posted on our official Xperia Support Youtube ch....

If you suspect that the behaviour which you are experiencing may be due to the software, for example if the device is unresponsive, then you may try performing a software repair using Xperia Companion. However, please note that a software repair deletes all your local data and reinstalls completely new and fresh software, and thus you should make sure that you have made a backup using Xperia Companion prior to performing the repair and that the battery is charged to at least 80%.. Here's a video guide on performing a software repair.

Participating in discussions and being assisted on our Forum!

Up until now we have covered some general troubleshooting, but what if you experience something specific which you would like to discuss- or be assisted with? Prior to engaging in a thread or starting a new topic, you may try searching our Forum boards for any existing threads and discussions. As the Forum is Global and user based, chances are there already exists a topic for what you are about to ask - and many threads have solutions which will save you time. You may find the search feature by clicking here.

If you are unable to find a thread related to your concern, then it may be time to create a thread of your own! In order to make it easier for other users, moderators and Support staff to assist you, please do your best in order to describe what you are experiencing in as much detail as possible. It is not required by any means, but it may be good to ensure that the following criteria are mentioned in your post:

- Device model (usually found under Settings > About phone)
- Android version (usually found under Settings > About phone)
- What your concern is
- If applicable, step-by-step on how to replicate the behaviour
- What have you already tried in order to troubleshoot the behaviour?

What an excellent selection of help guides.

Pinning this for other users that it will help.


My problem isn't above its to do with the Xperia 1 fingerprint I have 5 registered and can't scan my fingerprint I took my phone back got a replacement because they immediately seen the problem just for the problem to happen on new device it must be a software problem but when will this be getting fixed? Also could u mention I can do to stop this issue?

Or it may be a problem with your finger prints, or indeed the registering of multiple ones.

Use something like your thumb, and watch the icon on the screen, so where it moves to, you follow with your finger, so you gradually make up a full print, whereas if you just movie it around, you just make a mish mash which isn't identifiable in any way, as it's strange that it happened straight away on 2 seperate phones, so to me, it's an error on your part.


@RottenFoxBreath wrote:

Or it may be a problem with your finger prints, or indeed the registering of multiple ones.

Use something like your thumb, and watch the icon on the screen, so where it moves to, you follow with your finger, so you gradually make up a full print, whereas if you just movie it around, you just make a mish mash which isn't identifiable in any way, as it's strange that it happened straight away on 2 seperate phones, so to me, it's an error on your part.

Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King

It's got nothing to do with registering multiple fingers, dirty fingers, dirty sensor, the way you register your finger(s) etc.

It's got everything to do with the fact that Xperia 1's fingerprint scanner is by far the most unuseful and worst scanner I've (and multiple others) ever used!

I feel embarrassed for Sony to make such garbage to their flagship phone.

I've already given up on it and don't even try to waste my time trying to get it work and instead use a PIN code. I can't believe that in the year 2019 I have a smartphone that hasn't got any other way to open screen lock than typing a PIN code or swiping a pattern.

So going by your logic, then, surely it should be everyone who has an issue..

But they don't, so it's either the problem is the registering of the prints, or the prints.tehmselves, or a dirty sensor.

I personally have had a couple of errors, and that was before I registered it like the animation.

I've never had to enter a pin code cause I've got it wrong.

The only time I've had to enter a pin code was when I was trying out different cases, and unregistered fingers were on the sensor.


Well good for you. You must have a working one then. Slightly_smiling_Face

I know I'm not the only one with this problem. If it would work as it did on my two previous Xperia's I wouldn't be here b*tching about it.

I wonder why they didn't add a face recognition like every other manufacturer does on their flagship phones.

It's these little things, bugs and unfinished or faulty softwares that push Sony users to the competitor.

Facial recognition is even less secure than a finger print, and more error prone.

As to going to the competition..the market has reached a saturation point with the likes of Samsung, and now huawei, who both seem to be releasing a phone every other month.

And advertising, with people believing they are getting the next holy grail of phones, until a month later, another Samsung flagship announcement..well thats how it seems.

I agree on Fox, with this: Face unloick is unreliabkle-it may be more secure for some, however it has reliability issues. How many people have been locked out from an Apple phone due to this, is staggering.

Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King