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Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs

Xperia Z, ZR, ZL 4.3 Update Bugs


The purpose of this thread is to list any bugs or issues with the new update, please post a brief description of the issue. 

  1. Dreadful multi-language keyboard layout, its like the Z1, now word suggestions are on all the languages that you've selected, as there isn't a key to switch between languages.
  2. SmartWatch 2 connectivity issues
  3. missing NFC icon
  4. Screenshots border issue
  5. If SW2 its connected (Bluetooth on) there are some WiFi connectivity issues
  6. WiFi connectivity issues experienced by some users
388 REPLIES 388


I have an Xperia Z phone and Xperia Tablet Z (wifi-only).

Since the upgrade to 4.3, I can't use either Xperia Link or Smart Connect to tether my tablet to the phone.

I wasted most of last night backing up, re-installing 4.3 and restoring the phone and it hasn't fixed the issue (and I had to reinstall loads of apps).

When I tried to use Xperia Link before re-installing 4.3, the app would just crash on the phone with an 'Unfortunately Xperia Link has Stopped'  message. When I try Xperial Link after reinstalling 4.3 I can't add the phone as the app tries to connect, then crashes with the 'Unfortunately Xperia Link...' message. The app does this on the phone both when I try connecting normally (bluetooth?) and via NFC.

When the app crashes it also turns the WiFi switch off on the phone.

I've tried connecting via bluetooth using Smart Connect after reinstalling 4.3, but the tablet can't see the phone (doesn't appear in the list of available devices), while my laptop's bluetooth adaptor can clearly see the phone.

It's as if Sony devices can't see each other (but can see non-sony devices) since the update.

I suspect this is the same issue affecting smartwatch owners?

Can anyone point me in the direction of instructions to downgrade back to 4.2.x please? My tablet is uselss when I'm out and about, if I can't tether it.

This is pretty poor performance by Sony. I could understand if connecting to non-Sony devices might be buggy, but I'd expect them to have tested connecting their own devices pretty thoroughly.

Seems like they rushed this upgrade. I'd only just had the most recent upgrade to 4.2.x (can't remember the final version prior to 4.3).

I'm in the UK and on EE network.


Oh, and further to the above, since I re-installed 4.3, Xperia Link doesn't give me the option to report the crash any more!


How to sent file via wifi direct? At share option there has no wifi direct to choose. Only have bluetooth etc. Xperia zr c5502 jb4.3

After update 4.3 on my Xperia ZL, movies app cant play s/w decoder mkv format video . All these videos running with 4.2.2.
Also Walkman app lockscreen widget flickering and disappear on lock screen while playing music.

Not better, thank you very much for your support!

Tomorrow i call again Sony, if they got no propper solution i wil give it back to them...

Ok,take it back.

I am Having same problem With my Xperia ZL after being updated to 4.3 if i try to use any app the phn jst goes black and switches off then i have to re start it again. and after repairing using pc companion it got worst. then after updating using the above said update service, it got much worse and now if i try to open any app it switches off...nw if i try to restart the phn it wont start ..only sony logo will appear and the phn again goes black...its not even 4 months i bought this phn...its giving these kind of personally am a huge fan of sony have two lcd's, dvd player, home theatre, mp3 player, and also my mom's and brother's phone...all are of sony...with this kind of annoyying problems to face ...i cannot buy any other sony product further..and cannot suggest sony to any other person...coz to my surprise everyboy is facing same problem all around the world....and is sony tring to fix it?....and if u r trying so...PLS do it fast...

I have tried all possibilities u sai above...still cant fix the problem...pls do sumthng

Waiting for ur reply


Well described... same attempts to repair it for me, and same issues.  No success to date, and can't afford to take it and get charged for service.  


I have been notified on the phone that an update is available on my Z C6602 Last week . My phone location is in Myanmar and believe phone was from Sony Dealer in Yangon . (Suspect phone was a Singapore release).  Had this phone since June 2013.

New phone came with Version 4.1 and was subsequently updated to 4.2.2.

Since notification, I have updated on phone via wi-fi and also on P C Companion several times but failed to either download or install.  Took it to Sony Service Centre to find out problem and they told me that the update was "incomplete" and would let me know when they can update for me when the update problems are resolved.  To date this notification still shows on my phone and waiting Service Centre to contact me


Internet connections in Yangon , Myanmar are not that fast and power supply not stable either.  These may contribute to download problems. Out of 6 attempts, I got only once to the stage of "ready to Install" but by that time, the battery had only 30%  (Due to 4 hours to download on battery). So the whole process got back to square one !

Are they (Sony Service Centre)  telling me that Sony has issues with this update or that when updated ( if it can be updated ), I would be EXPERIENCING  problems like many users of Z, as reported in the Forums.?

I am happy to sit and wait with Version 4.2.2 which works fine by me and not take the risk of making the expensive phone redundant.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated.   .

That is quite a story.How about using sony update service?Charge your phone to at least 80%,turn it off and connect with vol down pressed when notified.
