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Sony MDR-NC31EM No longer working as headphones, just mic


Sony MDR-NC31EM No longer working as headphones, just mic

Tried with support but they couldn't replicate the issue, whenever I plug my MDR-NC31EM headphones in my phone it thinks it's a mic so no sound is played through them, at first I thought it was just the headphones themselves so I ordered a new pair but the new ones act just the same way, I don't believe it's a hardware problem since all other headphones I've tried work like they should, the problem also did occur at the same time as I updated to 4.4.4 so I'm wondering if it's a bug or something, does anybody else have the same issue?

I did a software repair as adviced by the support at Sony but that didn't work, I don't know what to do, now I'm here with 100 bucks worth of headphones I can't use!


Ok so I saw the post from amazingz2 above, and I got that to work but it took a couple of tries and I'm pretty sure I'll have to do it again.
Anyway, it's good to have a workaround while Sony work on a more permanent solution.

Another thought: I don't know the exact relevance of this, but I just found that my headphone jack gives no sound to the left side earpiece. This is maybe not due to the same reasons, but otoh it might change the headphones signal to the point that the software can't identify them properly.

So do people still have this problem?

I have a Samsung galaxy s5, and i just bought the mdr-nc31em. I can hear music in them but the singer sounds far far far away, and the mic doesnt work?


did you get solution to ypur headset noy working with your device but work with others



I plugged in my sony MDR-NC31E to my Z2 as I do almost every morning for my office commute, but instead of showing noise cancellation in the notifications area, it showed as stereo microphone. My phone is running on Android 5.1.1 (build 23.4.A.1.232). I have been using the phone and the headset for a year now and this is the first time this has happened. I have tried every solution suggested, but nothing works. Other headsets work. 

Does this mean my headset is busted and I have to get a new one? or is it some other issue?

Thanks in advance.


Got same problem today. This is annoying. xperia Z2 with android 5.1.1. 


Hello all, I briefly had the same problem with my Z3 compact on 5.1.1. Tried all proposed solutions mentionned in this thread, but those did not work/were not enough.

I then ran a diagnostic (settings > about phone > diagnostic) for the external speakers with the headphones plugged in, which in fact tested the headphones. And they worked (heard my ringtone), so it was definitely a software problem. Also note that UI clicks never stopped working, only the media (music/youtube/spotify).

However once I opened a VIDEO from album, with the default player, the headphones worked, and subsequently worked for music and the rest. I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but that's how I got mine fixed.



I am using a Xperia Z3 with Android 6.0.1 This same issue started in my MDR-NC31EM today morning. It detects as a stereo microphone. After pulling out the jack from the phone and reentering again for 2 or 3 times it detected as a headphone but when I tried to listen to music only the right ear piece is working.. Then while the jack is inside the phone by rotating the jack slowly I found a spot where I can listen from both earpieces. I think this is a hardware error which starts after some time you started using it.


For 2 years, these headphones worked great with Xperia Z2 4.4.4.   one day,  right ear worked intermittently and that lasted a month.  Then, the headset was recognised only as a mic.  I inserted the headset to my Z3 tablet compact running 4.4.4 and it worked fine!

Atill, I bought a new headset, and it was still being recognised as a mic on my Z2. 

I sent the phone to  Sony  Care.  phone came back running 6.0.1. The headset was recognised as MDR-NC31EM, but had the exact Right Ear not providing sound problem.  if you actually rotate the jack in the phone, there was a specific 'location' where right ear will provide sound.  But at the slightest move, it would stop. 

I just sent it to  Sony Care for the second time. 

And suddenly today, I got the  right  ear  issue with the Z3C Tablet! (tablet is only a few months old ). 

I love this headset, I get incredible music quality and I am sad.

Is it software issue?Is it hardware? why only the right ear on both devices?

I dont blame Sony, both devices are outstanding.  I just hope they can figure it out. There is surely a logical explanation.


I received the phone from Sony Care and the issue is fixed; I hope it's permanent. Good job Sony