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Screen issue, nobody will fix waterproof screen.


Screen issue, nobody will fix waterproof screen.


So the top & middle of the screen dont work very well just the places where messages are written & apps wont open up in certain places on the screen. Anything along the top so when rotating i cant use camera front camera as icon is always top right also focusing with 2 fingers is non existant and so i'm having to rotate screen more to use the phone. Does this sound like the screen? Vodafone shop has tested screen & there is a fault but is it just a screen issue or the sensitizer i think they said. However no shop wants to change screen as waterproof screens are hard to get off. I love the phone, had it 3 years though so am wondering if i should keep & try get fixed or upgrade which i cant afford. How much is a new screen replacement from Sony etc.

Advice appreciated.



Hi @ruprecht, sorry to hear about your phone. Slightly_frowning_Face

I would recommend that you get in touch with your Local support team and they will assist you further with having the phone sent to an authorized service centre, so it can be repaired with original spare parts and that the phone will still keep it's Ingress Protection rating.

I hope that helps and feel free to let me know how it went!