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Phones dies at 37%

Phones dies at 37%


I do not charge my phone unless the battery falls below 4%, quiet often I don't charge it until it dies.

On Sunday night, I turned the phone off at 44%, knowing that that would be enough to get me to work the following morning.

So Monday morning, I turned my phone on., got to the bus stop to retrieve my bus ticket from my phone and my phone was dead, showing the red battery.  My daughter just happened to get on the bus with a power bar and when I plugged it in, my battery was at 38%.  So I gave it a 10min charge and when it died later that morning, I plugged it into a socket and gave it a full charge.

Had to charge my phone again last night as it had died again.

So this afternoon, I looked at my phone, which between 9am-5pm sits in my desk drawer apart from my lunch hour and it was dead.  So I plugged it into a socket again to charge it and it turns on at 37%.

It's due for upgrading in November/December, but just wondered if anyone else is having problems with their phone dying at 30%+?



You could repair the phone with XC, if that doesn't solve the problem, you will have to get it inspected by your Local support

Xperia Companion (XC)

Software Repair Guide



Alternatives on How to backup Xperias