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Messaging Not Working after Lollipop Update


Messaging Not Working after Lollipop Update

 Just updated to Lollipop and as stated, I can't use my messaging app. It just sits there doing nothing and eventually gets an error message. I have tried clearing the app data on messaging as I found on another post. This didn't work. I also tried running it on safe mode but even there it won't work. I really need help with this.


I just updated my Xperia Z2 awhile ago. When I turned it on everything was okay except for the messaging app. it was taking too long to open and I can't receive any texts.. Any request that might help me with this problem? please

Please read this topic.


Ive done both but to no avail.

Encountered an error during messaging under the ultra stamina mode, cannot reply directly to the msg. Any help?


My message app (the built in one) has not been opening since I got the new update! Tried tips from this forum which say to go to the app and force stop it clear it and reset but it hasn't worked and I have repeatedly tried and also been reseting my phone. Still no luck it's been a good 8 hour's of this
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Recently updated to Lolipop on Xperia Z2, and messaging has stop working almost everytime. Had to restart the phone for messaging to function properly but not for a long time before it acts again. I have not installed any app either prior or after the lolipop update. Other apps are working just fine, but my messaging is the only one not working. Please fix!


I can tell you right now if I have to factory reset my phone.... again.... due to a Sony update, my new updated phone in two weeks will NOT be a Sony of any kind.

This happens too often.  The last update caused a huge battery drain and now this.


Hi all. My first post here and hopefully shed a little light here. This may work for you. I went into settings where you can select your default messaging app and read selected the messaging app as in made it the main app. Just worked for me after many resets and force stopping the app and clearing data. I'm on a 6 month old xz and honestly just getting more and more disappointed with the phone. Had a Z3 before this for a few years and was a far more reliable phone despite the USB socket breaking twice. Battery actually lasted 2 days where this one I can't even get 1 day. Didn't crash anywhere near as much either. This could well be my last one if it's not sorted. 

Sorry for rant. Hope this helps anyone e else with same issue