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That is great to hear, however, I agree with @YoGem you should still try to perform a software repair on a device to make sure the device continues to work as intended.
I'm on my third XZ in two weeks. There Is a problem which Sony is denying. Hate this phone. Have spent 5 days setting, resetting and doing what the Store have told me to try. Sony were useless. Just stonewalled me. Now the third one is turning off the store has said they MUST exchange it for another make which is what I want. Samsung again for me.
right now is 05:00 on the west coast and my xperia xz would not stop turn off. i tried the removal of the SD card and oh boy it worked my phone stopped turnig off. but i lost some apps .
Pete from London.. On my second XZ in two weeks so frustrated have tried every single thing possible its a peice .