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GPS Galileo


GPS Galileo

I ran into a problem with App GPSTest:


GPS, Glonass are stable depicted (every time you can see some of these satelites). In the contrary Beidou and Galileo shows just sometimes and for a few seconds. It's easy to notice that all satelites of one sort (Galileo, Beidou) disappears at once and at once appears again. For example six satelites in one step, and every time all of one kind together, but never GPS and Glonass. It's surely not real physical state...

I wrote this to developer and he answered:

@PetrBrno thanks for sharing! Yes, unfortunately this is behavior of your specific device and not controlled within GPSTest. You could try reaching out to your OEM for explanation, although I'm not sure how far you will get.

Here is more info: