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Hi, folks !
I have a nasty light blue Badgecounter that holds a "1" on my Fb icon. , how can I get rid of this !!!
Any ideas
Regards ...
@stefan_cdo you have any unread notifications, friend requests, messages etc. in Facebook?
Nope, none, checked all of it serveral times. This drives me mad !!!
Mine is doing this also and is stuck on 2 notifications. Now this morning my messages is showing 2 new messages also and there isn't any there.
Since the last update I've had a few bugs but the most annoying one is the notification counter on apps. Facebook is stuck on five new notifications even when I have none or I'm logged out.
A number of other apps are showing one notification when there are none, I can not change it.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
All this badge problems dissappear if you stop using Xperia Home... Switch to another launcher and tell me if the problem persists. I had the same problems with Xperia Home, now I'm using Nova and don't have the badge counter problem anymore.
I changed to Nova and it fixed the problem
Sorry if I am a bit non tech but what is Nova? I am having the same problem can you tell me what Nova is and how do I get to so I dont get this problems with badges thank you
Nova Launcher is a third party launcher app. it replaces the homescreen and adds some customization options.