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XPERIA X10 mini-- unable to call from a new phone

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XPERIA X10 mini-- unable to call from a new phone


Am a new user for xperia x10 mini mobile. Am able to do outgoing calls but am unable to pick the incoming calls. even  though call receives my mobile am unable to pick that incoming call.. and its saying " Move the slider" what does this exactly mean. also i dont think there is a slider for this phone.

Does any one help me asap that one needs to put any default settings for a new phone to receive and speak to the incoming calls please let me asap its an emergency issue please

Thanks in advance

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"moving the slider" refers to the slider that appears on your screen when you recieve a call. Touch it with your finger and drag it to the left (on the screen).


While some one is calling you, there will be a blue button shown in the middle of the phone with a green phone icon and a red phone icon at the other. Press and drag the button to the red icon to discard teh phone call and drag it to the green to accept the call.