Share your experience!
So im new here but in the last month i've met all of the active members here, and you should be wondering why... the question is i was "in love" with X10.
I wanted a new smartphone and since X10 had a nice design, pretty good hardware specs, and even Android OS that from what i have seen in other phones it is very good.
So i just order one, and im waiting for it to be delivered at my home, but my idea about it had change already since i started come here everyday.
The point is.... does it will have a 2.1 update - this year? lol as i have seen the update is promised at months ago so what can you guys confirm?
Does it has multitouch feature? was one thing that worried me but since i saw a topic saying that multitouch is there but cannot be operated yet, i think maybe because of the out dated 1.6 OS, but it will on 2.1?
i saw everyon worring about battery life? does it survive at least 12hrs ? or neither that?
and i opened this topic to gather all truths about X10, all of your experienced users to tell me and share with others like me, The PROS (if there is some) and the disapointments we are used to see talked here...
And if is someone there that is happy with the phone, that does the job, idk, but im getting really worried about my new phone maybe will try to cancel it before i recieve it, and change to another one cause even with all that "fake things" (that exist and in real they do not, they do just for market selling), still an expensive phone in my countrie.
Cheers and wainting for reply from the nice and experiencied users already.
it's great mobile with great functionality and nice design, everything is nice (not speaker and earphone), but there is a problem one little problem if mobile hits up to much it just will not work. it will happen if phone is good, and if mobile is damaged from factory like mine it will not even work after month
thats it. im very confused
If you have a chance to cancel the order then do it. DO NOT get the X10. Sony has screwed over its customers by lying about things they would have in the phone and not have them. Get the Samsung Galaxy which has 512 ram as well, from what I hear you need that for the 3.0 Anrdoid OS. X10 is already old news, SE is not really supporting this phone. There will be no multitouch and we probably won't get any Android higher than 2.1 . I've been trying to sell mine and get the Galaxy S myself. I just that as a wayyy superior phone and I believe its going to have 2.2 soon if not already.
the only problem Galaxy S isnt avaliable in the method i bought it "business pack discounts" it has HTC Desire aswell, maybe if the diference of price isnt that much and if X10 will be a completely disapointment as im seeing would be the best thing to do...
by the way does the screen is scratch resistance at least?
Truth number 1: it is made by Sony Ericsson.
There are many detractors to this phone. It is not a 'perfect' piece of kit but in MY opinion, it is pretty darn good. It does everything I wanted of it, it has opened up new things to me and I don't regret it.
Yes the update is coming, maybe not quite fast enough for some of the people on here - it won't make much difference to how I use the phone. Do YOU know how it will make the phone different for you? Or is it just my phone has to have the OS with the biggest number?
The Samsung has its own problems and if you look on any forum about any phone it is enough to make you question whether buying it was the right thing, because people come to forums to get problems/questions sorted. No-one really comes to a forum just to post OMG I love my phone. I personally had never had an android phone before July this year and wanted to know how to do a few things. I've stayed around answering questions because I have faith in this piece of kit.
I like your attitud the best, in all this mess.
If you get one where by you can hear the people who call you then it is a great bit of kit but if you get one where you can't then too bad becuase your not going to get any support from SonyE.
2 big problems I have with this phone.
1. sometimes, People can't hear me. this is already a proven problem by many users. not sure if it's the attenna problem or not. I can hear people I called, but they cannot hear me. this happens A LOT
2. Camera light is not real "Flash". when you take pictures with light on, you will have to manually turn it on and it stays on, which is very annoying. 3rd party app can fix that, not sure why SE can't
yes, indeed. It's the wheel of fortune..... doh!