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X10 still running on Android 1.6 after upgrading to 2.1

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X10 still running on Android 1.6 after upgrading to 2.1

why my xperia still android ver 6.1 after upgrading via pc sony ericsson companion.. perghh.. and the home button seem not respond at all.. arghhh.. nice tutorial by sony and now my phone like an old phone.. uwaaa...

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You have probably got an older update and not the Android 2.1 upgrade. Probably the 2.1 update is not available in your country/operator just yet.

What country are you in? Which operator?

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for info, im in malaysia and my operator is celcom. if not available in my country, how come the seller provide the upgrading for some charges. try to do it myself but what i get is just a same old 1.6 version.. duh..

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@Metalcharisma the update is not ready for your country yet. Probably that seller found a way of getting it from another country but we started the roll-out of the Android 2.1 based updates for Xperia X10, X10 mini and X10 mini pro on Sunday(October 31st). The roll out started in the evening European time.
So far we have received confirmation that the generic kits for the Nordic countries were the very first ones out on Sunday evening and then there will be more kits coming already during Monday and then the roll-out will continue throughout the month of November.

This link has the details:

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hai there Tony-SEAnswers..

i noticed that the update for xperia x10 on going and i finally got the kit number for this..  mine is 1236-2484.. so is that mean that i just can upgrade my android to 2.1 from sony official site or from other site.. hope get this answer soon..

thanks in advance..

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Please try downloading the SEUS application for you to install the upgrade in your phone through your computer. Here is the link for you to download it:

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my x10 updated already after try to search for an update via phone.. after that a noticed pop up and said that my phone is ready for new updated.. connect to pc and finally my x10 updated to 2.1 :smileyhappy::smileylaugh:..that for the information..


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There you go @metalcharisma!!!! You see, I told you, you were going to get it. I hope you enjoy it!!