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hi what do u guys say can we expect the standard 2.1 on xperia x10 or do we have to expect some of the features to be left out by SE like live wallpapers,radio,on touch zoom /???? what do u say ?may be for a change we canexpect a reaply by SE itself
Yes, it certainly seemed very fast! My sons also (over)use the word awesome. What I get for living over here, I suppose...
Overuse is the right word. LOL.
"AWESOME!!!" Dadddy, daddy! It's so AWESOME!!!" ...... gosh.. I can hear him right now even though he is asleep.....
What would be awesome is SE sending it out early.
Live wallpapers look great hopefully there will be a large selection by the time we get to use them...
buy your kid a dictionary/thesaurus or better still don't spend your whole life on here and interact with them a bit more
I suggest you keep those rude comments/attacks to yourself. You don't have to be rude.
Live Wallpaper is nice as long as it does not drain CPU performance and the charge in the battery. I noticed you are all for a gaming device. But do remember that quite a few of us do use X!0 for more business like purposes.
Buy a REAL business phone kiddo like a NOKIA for example.. this is a phone for people who likes to play, stay in touch with friends in facebook and twitter (timescape) listen to music (mediascape) and have a nice designed handset with big screen to watch videos.
No offence 😉
Again, offence taken.
Firstly, Nokia's quality and business phones suck. why do you think they are not popular among business people?
Secondly, Sony Ericsson has been very well-known for being the most useful with businessmen.
Thirdly, don't you know that for entertainment and all those nonsense, Sony Ericsson has the U series? they are called the Ultimate Entertainment series. X series was always targeting the business people.
Owning an X series doesn't automatically make you a business-oriented person.
By the way, your actions so far is considered stalking and harassing, youngling.
I don't know about you, but I've just about had it with this rude kids pretending to be adults.
Aw come on, you know you really want a background of swimming fishes that you can tap to feed? i just *know* deep down its one of your greatest wishes in life.....
darkmax wrote:
Firstly, Nokia's quality and business phones suck. why do you think they are not popular among business people?
Secondly, Sony Ericsson has been very well-known for being the most useful with businessmen.
Thirdly, don't you know that for entertainment and all those nonsense, Sony Ericsson has the U series? they are called the Ultimate Entertainment series. X series was always targeting the business people.
Owning an X series doesn't automatically make you a business-oriented person.
#3 - X10 is a business phone - didn't know that. I thought it was just the high-end "jack of all trades".
#2 - SE being business phones? Hmm, the old T series yes, but the folks here about (I work for a very large US-based tech firm - and no, it's not IBM!) are predominantely issued Nokia's. with the rest being iPaq's. Same with the suppliers I deal with. Oh, and anyone who turns up with an iPhone bought it themselves.
#1 - Nope, sorry, going to totally disagree with you there. I'll be the first to admit that Nokia's high-end stuff's been victim to having to work around the faults, most of which I put down to Symbian to be honest. But - afaik - their low end gear, like the 2330 that's sitting next to me is rock solid.
By the way, that posting by Troll-hunter was totally uncalled for - I was very tempted to hit that "Report abuse" button. I've got kids so I know what you were getting at, they do seem to get fixated on words and phrases, ... like ... you know, whatever! Only thing I can think is that he's (?) trying to judge you to his (?) own low standards!
Back to the live wallpapers - yes, I can see LW being a definite kid pleaser. I'm racking my brain for a use for these that isn't frivalous - so far best I can to is some sort of system status gadget that lets you see the battery status, wifi, etc.
Yep i have to agree with you, nokia and blackberrys are business phones the X10 is a feature phone (as every reviewer has called it) it is meant for social networking and media....