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Unable to download or upgrade apps from Android Market

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Unable to download or upgrade apps from Android Market

Hello, Over the last few weeks I tried to download or upgrade apps but it always fails. I always get the message: "Download was unsuccessful please try again". When I go to the android market and look at the help front page there is a link called "Download Issues Troubleshooting page". The fix described in here does not work for my phone.

How do I make my phone work properly again.

Also, I am on Android 1.6 but I cannot upgrade to 2.2. The PC Companion says that I have an up to date phone.

All help appreciated

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2 things, first, you have to keep trying but do them individually not the update all option and second go to settings/manage applications find the market and hit the uninstall updates button. this automatically updates everytime you connect to the internet so before you download updates to your APPS you have to uninstall the market update everytime.

the market update is working ok in 2.1 but was a complete pain in 1.6

when trying to get 2.1 dont use the PC companion software for update, use SEUS (sony ericsson update service) you can download this from the support page/downloads