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Twitter direct access problem

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Twitter direct access problem

hello all, I'm having problems with the Twitter direct access on the phone, I'm getting an error stating that my ID or password are incorrect, but if I go to on same phone using the web browser have no problem with my ID, appreciate your comments.


When you are speaking about direct access are you talking about using the Timescape application or an application you got from the Android Market?

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Which language are you using? If you use different than English, turn it to English and try again. This is how i've solved.


My Twitter stream on Timescape has ceased to function.  I can use the Touiteur app absolutely fine.  Is it because of the authorisation changes? Have SE accomodated them into the system?


OK so I have been fiddling.  Just deleted my account and then signed back in using my email address and password but still got nothing on Timescape.  So deleted again and signed in with my @username and password and its all working fine. No idea what the problem is but suggest you try it and see if it works for you.