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Hello friends,
I would like to know whether there is any way to get miscalls notification with sound. I know that the LED will blink to keep me notified but I need a notification tone. I will explain what I need.
When I have a missed call on my phone I should be notified with a notification tone at specific intervals till I attend to the notification.
Is there any default way on Xperia to do this or is there any software available for this.
I have tried Miss Call Application but does not work on Xperia X10 Mini Pro [No Notification sound for miscall other features work fine]
Thanks in advance.
Good morning!
I just had a quick search on the market, there is something called Easy Reminder.... its free, I haven't used it but perhaps you can give it a go and report back on it.
Sorry SUZE but the application does not serve the purpose.
I think this feature should have been provided by default in the phone.
Hope that someone will give me a solution.
yes, I agree with you, I have same problem, my old phone was Motorola, and clearly that was something users are expected without question, such a simple function should be builted in at the first place! can anyone in Sony Ericsson to develop and add it in the next updating? thanks
Guys Guys.. These are called smart phones for a reason.
They are actually mini computers arent they.
Do you ask the computer manufacturer for programs to remind you to read your email......or complain when they aren't part of the package ?
treat these devices as mobile computers as that is where they are heading..
the answer to your question is voice alerts or missed call let me check......yep.. it was missed call,
settings include the following.
enable notifications,
led enabled, >>use led notification
led color , >> choose color
led interval, >> choose fast or slow or
vibration disabled >> choose vibration on or off
vibration pattern, >> choose 2 mins or 5 mins or whatever
sound enabled >> choose sound to make
sound pattern >> choose 2 mins or 5 mins or whatever..
These things are computers that just happen to make calls as well and ...oh yeah they fit in your pocket as well.
Treat them as such and dont expect every thing to be available on such a highly configurable device.
you've been given the use it.
Hello armarra,
You have proved your ignorance. You don’t know the basic difference between a computer and a mobile phone. Does your computer make calls and receive sms, does it have a sim? By default Xperia gives out notification when a sms is received similarly for a call and it does not cost much for SE to add a feature for giving out notifications at specific intervals. You must have seen Missed Call application on market. Well it does not produce any sound as available on settings. It doesn’t work well on Xperia Mini Pro. I have already tried the application before posting this query.
One thing to add on to your ignorance, you can set your computer to give out notifications when a mail is received and may repeat these notifications at specific intervals. Don’t think that you know everything and others out there are fools.
Phones are phones and computers are computers.
Another thing, this forum is to help others on their doubts and to discuss issues and not to insult others.
okay... if you've tried that application, then it is worth stating that first up does not take much effort.
secondly I mentioned that the mobile phone fits in your pocket and can make calls etc but appart from that it is a computer.
I did not call you ignorant, but found the tone or the question annoying.
the android platform is such a rich functionality set, that to ask for each function to be added as 'standard' is not using the flexibility that
the android platform affords you.
I did not call you any names I just suggested that you treat the phone as a computer, which appart from making calls and texting is
incidentally I can make calls with my computer...and I can send the line between the two devices is even more unclear.
dont get personal on this site, I have not done any more than suggest your treat your phone as a computer in terms of adding functionality
rather than expecting the manufacturer to build these things in...else the list would never stop.
please dont take offence, I was direct but not insulting/name calling.
I wonder if things are getting a little lost in the translation here?! I thought the tone of both posts a little 'forthright' so I can see where you are both coming from but lets not descend into anarchy here people!!
Armarra did offer you an app based solution Kannan you hadn't previously stated that you had tried Missed Call all that is available on the thread is that you have tried Easy Reminder as I suggested, and he is right the phones are basically little computers. That said I agree with Kannan that some of the basic functions that we got used to on our dumb phones have been missed out.
I guess we should count ourselves lucky that we are able to access the apps market and configure our devices as we want them.
We can all have our opinions, its how they are expressed that can sometimes cause offence. Keep it nice people and the forum will be a much happier place to post.
I'll agree with that and offer my appologies if my comments caused offence.
its late here and perhaps I've had a rough day... there are just so many people bagging the SE phones
and some of them don't even try to work it out themselves....just complain....
present company excluded of course..
Hi Armarra,
I can't find "enable notifications" in the settings, how to do this for Mini X10 pro? please
settings include the following.
enable notifications,
led enabled, >>use led notification
led color , >> choose color
led interval, >> choose fast or slow or
vibration disabled >> choose vibration on or off
vibration pattern, >> choose 2 mins or 5 mins or whatever
sound enabled >> choose sound to make
sound pattern >> choose 2 mins or 5 mins or whatever..