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Ladies and Gentlemen, SE has spoken. 2.1 update in 3rd quarter is only a rumor

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Ladies and Gentlemen, SE has spoken. 2.1 update in 3rd quarter is only a rumor

Ladies and Gentlemen

Just got a response from JEFF in SE support.  He has confirmed that Android 2.1 has not been rolled out to any market, anywhere in the world yet. AND there is no official annoucement when it will come out.  With only 1 week left in September, The whole 3rd quarter time frame is now confirmed to be humor and NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!

So we are back to square one, praying, thinking that this out-dated software will come out one day (hopefully).

Good luck to us all.

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you are actin quite irrationally. Here... have an iceberg to melt.

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Don't think I am being irrational.

I am "OK" with the phone, but not happy with it.   I am just pointing out the facts about SE with this specific Flagship phone.

If you don't think the points I made are valid, please prove me wrong.  Let me know your opinion.

But this is all just a rational discussion.  Not a heated argument.

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ok... here's my point, ALL companies lie, one time or another, about certain things, to their consumers in order to sell a product. It is true they should not, but they always do.

An update is a service they provide, not the product. A service that they consider to be not within their selling price of the device. On the other hand, a consumer will think it is a paid service that came with the price of the phone.

So, ranting about the update being delayed and postponed does not make it come any sooner, nor would they care as long as they deliver.