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ive got the xperia x10 and i created a folder on my fone how can i tranfer pictures and important messages to this folder any idea ??????
Download an app from the marketplace called "Astro filemanager".
I use Apps Organizer, also from the market.
Does Astro allow you to put folders in the list of apps, so you can hide all the stuff you don't use in a folder? My Nokia 5800 allowed that. It was good to be able to open the list of apps and not have to scroll through loads of stuff I hardly used. Not desperately important, but hey...
ive tried that and it wont work
i give the organizer a go
What have you tried? Apps Organizer? If so, when you open it, there shpuld be two tabs at the top - one for applications and one called labels. Under thre applications tab, you will see a list of all your apps. You can assign labels to each one - just tap the name of the application and select the label or labels you wish to apply to it. Once you have done that, go to Labels, select which one you want as a folder on your home screen, and long press it. A list of options will appear, including 'Add to home'. You can also rename the Label from that screen, or change the icon associated with it.
I hope this helps. Do let me know how you get on, and do let me know if you have any other questions about it. I'm no expert, but I have used it a fair amount...
You certainly know your stuff Sushi...
I think though that the question was more about what file manager can I use to put things into the folder, than how to categorise your apps.
Astro will help them transfer things into the folder,
apps organiser as you so carefully explain ... will help them take that folder and nicely put it asside for retrieval later...yeah...
Sorry, I misread your original message. My earlier message explains how you can organise apps in to folders, but not photos and so on,
I don't know how to organise saved SMS messages, but the only way I know to organise photos in to folders is by connecting the phone to the computer and using the file manager, by dragging files from one folder to another. I have had a look for saved SMS messages using the same method, but couldn't find them . I don't know if Astro, as recommended by KrazyD, will allow you to organise photos and SMS messages on the phone, but perhaps worth a look...
Sorry again for answering a different question from the one you'd initially asked!