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Help! Unresponsive touchscreen when connected to pc companion

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Help! Unresponsive touchscreen when connected to pc companion

Hi guys!

Im having a "mini" problem with my x10 mini pro. When pc companion detects my phone and prompts me to tap the notification tab the touchscreen freezes! eventhought im tapping the connect to pc nothing happens..what can i do? i can't complete my connection to pc companion due to this hiccup.. can someone please give tips/advice to my problem.. tnx!

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  • first check your usb connection is stable, i now most front usb ports on a pc are slightly less well made and fitted as the back usb ports so check that.
  • secondly make sure you have no apps running on your phone sometimes the sneaky buggers run in the background when a think they are closed.
  • sometimes i found when connecting to my companion there are dialogue screens either on the pc or the phone that require an answer before continuing if you cant see anything try alt+tabbing through active applications and programs.
  • sometimes the phone hangs due to processing, i have found this when trying to do to much on the mini it takes a couple of secs to catch up with itself.
  • My rule (same as when i play fifa...LOL) dont multitap, just like a sensitive xbox controller or a Windows app its stores all the clicks, and tries to resolve them as instructions so click once wait a few secs and then again.
  • i assume you have tried a a full reboot....silly but sometimes it works miracles.....
  • failing all of that try a master reset jsut back up all your stuff through WIfi (if you have the router for it) or consequently do the sync contacts and important info with SE support and then do a master reset... its a pain but again can sometimes work wonders.

hope this is helpful..

oops almost forgot,if you have a very anal retentive fire wall that could also be the problem......

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Thanks for the tips! It helped a lot!

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any time buddy little things like that can be very frustrating, is your phone playing nice now??

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Yeah! Its now running smoothly! tnx 2 u

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Good to hear buddy... enjoy your Sunday and remember have fun!!!!:smileycool:

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Yeah! i will! now that my "mini" issue is now solved! haha!my next concern now is SE Sync..i want to fully enjoy the capabilities of  my mini pro! hehehe