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Hazel – why do my events show up on incorrect days?

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Hazel – why do my events show up on incorrect days?

Hi, I've got a Hazel phone, which I really love. I replaced my smartphone with it and am really pleased.

However, events don't display correctly in my Calendar:

  1. I'll enter something for, say, 17 September and save it.
  2. Then, when I get taken back to the menu for that day, the only thing that appears is the 'New entry' option – it looks as though my new event hasn't saved.
  3. But it has! It will have been saved for 21 September. The details of the event still say 17/09, but for some reason it shows up under 21. This happens with all dates.

Can anyone tell me why that is or advise me on how to fix it??? It's really annoying!

Thanks very much in advance.


Run the SE update service on it and see if that fixes the problem.

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Do you mean Menu>Settings>General>Update software?

I've tried that and it says I'm running the most up-to-date versions. :S I've also had problems saving some peoples birthdays.

I don't suppose there's a way of reinstalling the program is there?

Champion No, I mean run the update service via PC, which may fix these problems.You can also use PC suite to try the "repair phone" option via PC suite.Follow this link to download the software for your phone and for instructions.

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Ahhh ok thanks. I'm at work right now but will try it this evening and get back in touch!

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I've just tried updating the software via my computer, as you suggested, and it's worked!

Thanks a lot for your help.