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Harmful support


Harmful support

1-1.5 year ago I bought Sony Xperia M. I have asked afficial support for bad quality of sound. Support said me to update firmware. I said to her - that it should not help. She insist me to update firmware. Okay - I updated. Version of Android changed to 4.3. Absolutely no changes in quality of voice, no other changes except free space - it was 2gb, but changed to 1.5gb.

So.. support simply cutted my free space from 2Gb to 1.5 Gb. I already use sdcard, but accidently it can't be used for applications (thanks to Sony limitations). Yerstaday I had only 300Mb of free space (I would have 800Mb if no harmfull support influence),- and phone worked by fits and starts. I cleared some space - it's 600Mb now (instead of 1.1Gb if no harmfull support influence), and it works ok.

But.. I think quite soon free space will become to only 200-300mb, and device will become to work in fits and starts way again. And the reason of this - harmfull official support ordered me to update firmware.