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Dropped phone in water, now I can't get it to work properly


Dropped phone in water, now I can't get it to work properly


so I dropped my phone in water hours ago, took it out fast and dried it off, it seemed fine, everything was working until I went to charge it. It wouldn't charge it just kept vibrating on and off and not settling to charge. I switched it off and it wouldn't come back on again but the red charge light was on. I left it for a short while but it still wouldn't turn on. I did the recheck thing where I held down the up, down and power buttons for 20 seconds and it came on but just went between the sony turn on screen and battery indicator (which was at 15%) but it would not do anything else. I then held down the power button for about 10 seconds trying to force it to shut down and it turned on as normal and went back to normal except for the fact it once again wouldn't charge. I forced it to shut down again and plugged it in to charge again and now the charge light is flashing between red and green. I can turn it on my unplugging the charger but it isn't taking in any charge whether it is on of off.

Is there any way to get it to work properly? 




The Xperia X it's not waterproof, and since you attempted to charge the phone after the incident, it might had damaged the phone.