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hello I recently got this C905. From that day i am not able to get my GPS work. I activated Aritel Mobile office too.. I even tried with the Wifi connection.
When i go to Wayfinder - Plan rout - A - My Posotion: I get this error message as" GPS receiver does not receive signals. Please make sure that nothing is blocking the GPS signal( e.g. a roof, building, etc) and try again.
I have tried it out even on ground. But is is not functioning. All my other friends can Use GPS from this place from their NOKIA cell, so that means to say that GPS is accessilbe in the place where i am.
Plz help me what is wrong. why cant i use GPS.
When you open Google maps and look for your position, what message do you get? Is your GPS enabled?
Have you enabled A-GPS (only works with mobile network, unlike GPS which also works over WiFi) because without it, it will take a lot longer for the sattelites to find you and the Wayfinder will say: "GPS not available", until they do.
I just tried google maps.. Its working. It can locate my location to.. GPS is enables. I am using Mobile Internet too... But the problem is with.. Navigation
When i go to Navigation - Wayfinder opens - Plan rout - A - My Posotion: I get this error message as "GPS receiver does not receive signals. Please make sure that nothing is blocking the GPS signal( e.g. a roof, building, etc) and try again.
and in the top its written "GPS Not Ready". SIr plz help me .. what is wrong. why is it not working.
First of all, make sure that your Assisted-GPS is also enabled by going to: Location services--Settings--Assisted start--select: In home netw. or In all Networks.Then, when you open the Wayfinder, from options select Settings and under General, make sure that you have selected Internal GPS and save the setting when prompted after hitting the back button.On the main menu of Wayfinder, select Map to see whether it has located your position; after a few minutes, you should hear: "GPS available". You can also configure other settings, such as voice prompts, map configuration, etc, to suit you.Hope this helps.
Sir, as u said. i checked all those setting.. its all fine.. its all like u said. everything is fine.. But when i try as u said.. in the maps. I do not get "GPS Available" after a long time too .. its now almost 15 vmin.. still i get GPS not available... and the error message i gave u that time. what do i do sir.?
Sir one more thing: When i go to Navigation -Wayfinder- Settings - MyWayFinder - User Info ------ There is a default User name.. Password is blank...... how do i get this password sir.
And one more thing
When i go to Navigation -Wayfinder - Down ther eis a option key.. left down.. when i press option i get a option as "Submit Code"... N when i press that.. I get a page called Activation Code: ...... How do i get this sir.
Then try this: Go outside and with a clear view of the sky, Go to Location services menu and select Status info--click right on your multidirectional pad and check your Connection status.Stay on that page until you get enough sattelites to give you a Connected status and then minimise (centre button ) this application so it stays running in the backround with the sattelite icon at the top left of your screen.Then open the Wayfinder and tell me what happens.
You don't need to use this, unless you want to create an account so that you can pay for the service, when your trial version runs out.In the Wayfinder app., under settings--user--continue: you will be prompted to create an account and will be given an activation code.You can then use your phone's browser or PC browser to go to, where you can sign in to your account, change settings, etc.
I did as u directed.. it took a long time.. but at last it got conntected. But after it got conneted.. i went to the Way finder..application and set my location either.. it worked.. but which ever second lecocation i set.. it was not working.. internet was connting as my balance was getting detected.. But i get eror each time as it says" The search could nto find anything. redefine the search" even if i use teh option map n locate teh place n search i get sililmar error meaase.. I get oen more error mesage.. The start point and destination address error
Well, take your time over it and play with it until you get used to its quirks.However, if you don't like Wayfinder, you can always download Amaze GPS and Wisepilot from the Playnow/SE site directly to your phone, and choose the best/cheapest Navigation app. for you.And yes, you will incur data charges for using GPS and A-GPS, although GPS (but not A-GPS) works over Wi-Fi but isn't ideal when you're moving around.