Share your experience!
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum, though certainly not new to Sony products!
I've been pulling what little hair I have left out of my head over what I perceive as a massive design flaw on the A17 MP3 player but cannot seem to find reference to anyone else having the same issue aside from on a few reviews left on various websites.
Basically it seems that the NWZ-A17 never truly turns off. means it turns on faster and stays in some sort of sleep mode, I get it...but EVERY button is capable of turning the damn thing on even when the hold switch is on.
Is there any way of turning this off? Surely the point of a hold switch is to stop this sort of thing happening?
Someone please help - I am on the latest firmware by the way. Thanks!
Hi whiteythomson,
welcome to the Sony user community forum..
Could you please confirm that you are turning your NWZ-A17 as shown below??
Hi there, yes I confirm this is how I turn the player off. But it turns on immediately if I press any button afterwards.
switching your Walkman off as detailed before & then moving the hold switch to the hold position should disable all of the buttons & therefore prevent your Walkman from turning on whilst in your pocket..
Judging by your earlier post I assume this it what your are doing but could you please confirm & ensure the hold swich is in the correct location..
Also could you please check if the placing the hold switch in the hold position prevents the buttons from working when your Walkman is on..
When the walkman is on flicking the hold switch does prevent all the other buttons from working which is good. However when switched off as described above the screen turns on whichever button I press.
The player doesn't stay on by the way, the screen turns on for about 5 seconds and then turns off again. This may be the design intention but if I have the player in my pocket it loses almost half its battery life over the course of a day as the screen keeps turning on. Is this normal?
yes the screen does still turn on even though the Walkman is set to off & the hold switch enabled.. This is by design to indicate to owners who touch the buttons that the hold switch is enabled..
Therefore the answer to your original question is no there is not an option to turn this 'feature' off, however I have passed your comments onto one of my contacts within Sony..