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XL301 Vista -> Black and White Screen on wakeup


XL301 Vista -> Black and White Screen on wakeup


I have this anoing problem with my XL301. Almost everytime when I wake this system up from standby via remote control I get a screen with black and white horizontal stripes. I cannot access the system or other functions either with remot nor with keyboard. It means a reboot by pressing the power button. I am running vista premium installed all updates. I did the hdmi firmware update and I do not know what to do now... Has anyone the same issues. Is there a new driver for this special nvidea card? Does this problem have to do with my powersettings?

Any help would be great...



Set a restore point and go to windows updates and try the Nvidida update from windows. Another more obvious thing toi do is system restore to a time before you did the Vaio Link update or when it was working correctly last. Finally a hotfix here for returning from hiberation for vista worked great on my laptop so try that also if nothing works then go into the device manager and see if there are any exclamation marks next to your graphic drivers. If so reinstall.


Thanks for your response. I checked windows update there are no nvidea updates available.
I had also installed the patch you have mentioned. So this was already on my computer =(...

Going back to a point where this happens the first time would not be possible... this started long time ago. I have my second vista installation and on the previous one it happened, too...
please any help on that....

