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Windows 8.1 free preview

Windows 8.1 free preview

Hi all, wondered if you had heard about the new Windows 8.1 version, previously known as 'Blue'?

Has anyone tested it yet? Its free to download and try...(see below)



After many complaints from users regarding Windows 8 it seems that Microsoft have tried to change it for the better. Well, slightly :laughing:

For example the start button is back and you can boot to the desktop! (cheers loudly)


Have a look  Here for more details.

You can download version 8.1 from the following page too if you fancy trying it out.


**Warning** Please dont download it and try and install if you are quite new to computing. Please do not actually install on your machines either. If you do you will have to reinstall apps and programs when the final version is released later this year, oh and it may just mess things up, its a preview version.


What I would do though is install it on a virtual machine using something like VMWare. (This isn't an advert and other virtual machine software is available)

I currently run Windows 7 and have Windows 8 and Ubuntu on virtual machines just to test which suit my desktop better. (It wasn't Windows 8 thats for sure :smileycry:)


Here's a guide from PC World too.


Anyone that has it or gets it up and running on a virtual machine, let us know what you think of it!












I wouldnt recommend installing this if you have a sony vaio duo (svd*******) 13 as there are many problems/bugs that sony will not provide drivers for untill the official release.

Thanks for posting deejohnny :slight_smile:

Yes as mentioned in the warning above, its a preview - please don't install directly on to your 'real' host system.

Virtual machines only - for your own safety. (Even after official release its still possible that bugs/glitches may occur - remember Vista?)


I wasn't clear if you have tried 8.1 yet yourself, or are just echoing the potential perils of installing a preview OS directly to your 'real' host sytem.

If you have tried it did you like any of the new features such as booting straight to desktop and actually having a Start button back?











Hi,Yes i installed 8.1 on my desktop and on my duo13 and it was great! infact im finding the original w8 a chore to use after i downgrading back as the new features in 8.1 really do make the difference.On my desktop pc the boot directly into desktop and the start button return makes the desktop experience way better as metro ui is more for touch screen and tablets devices and i dont really use.If it wasnt for the bugs video bug on the vaio (No video streaming or video playback from any app)i would of just kept it and turned a blind eye to the other bugs.

Hi again


Thanks for posting. :wink:


It seems there may be a bit of hope then on the horizon for those not

currently happy with 8.