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VGN-FE41S 7600 GO Problems...


VGN-FE41S 7600 GO Problems...

Hi, i recently got the VGN-FE41S laptop and its great, love the windows vista interface.

What i dont like is the way that games are stuttering, every so often when playing games like call of duty 2 and tiger woods 08, bioshcok eg they pause for about 2-3 seconds, which gets annoying when you are in the middle of the action. I orignally thought it would be down to the slow hard drive but it appears not to be. Ive tried every single driver combination possible including the ones on and they are just as bad.

I get the feeling this laptop is capable of playing games at medium settings as when they are playing normally theyare 100% smooth, its just every so often these little stutters which are very annoying.

Has anyone else got this problem? Maybe even a fix? I know toshiba had a problem with the P100 doing the same thing and this was fixed via a bios upgrade.

Thanks in advance