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Vaio Updates Won't Download


Vaio Updates Won't Download

I have a VGN-Z4 Sony Vaio with Windows 7 Ultimate (updraded from Vista Ultimate) 64bit operating system. The computer cost £2,500 in July last year so is still under warranty. I have tried many times to use the Sony Vaio update web site and there I see some important updates (BIOS!) and the newer version 5 of the updater itself. Every time I click on the disclaimer 'accept' to start the download the computer browser just refuses to download. I have tried different browsers, different computers on same home Belkin wireless network and all have the same results - NO DOWNLOADING. I am experiencing the blue screen of death and believe I need the updates to help solve some issues, but how to get them?. The chat support was less than helpful directing me to an internet cafe!!!!.

The blue screen of death may well be another issue - I get the error 'PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA (win32k.sys)' that shows at top of blue death screen as memory is dumping.

I am entitled to the upgrades and some help from support especially considering that the expensive laptop is still within the 12 months warranty period. I can;t say I was too impressed with Sony's support. No solution other than to take the laptop to an internet cafe and try downloading on a different network. I can and am able to download other items without any problems at all. I tried with Firewall settings off both on the computer and on the router (Belkin).

Any help appreciated - thank you.

David D.