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Hi guys,
Can anybody help me? My Vaio has suddenly decided to constantly reboot itself and I am completely unable to get in to Windows.
I've tried safe mode, previous known working settings, and normal mode but none of them work.
Each time I get the Windows logo and the timer bar but after a minute or so there is a brief blue screen and it reboots again.
I'm completely stuck, I would be happy if I could just revert the thing to factory settings (there is nothing I need to save) - but how can I do this???
Would be most grateful for any advice,


Hi Lee and welcome to Club Vaio.

You can revert to factory settings by tapping F10 when you first see the Vaio Logo screen and choosing 'Restore Complete System'.

The step by step method does vary with different aged Vaios but it is usually described in the 'Troubleshooting and Recovery Guide'.

Here is a link to this guide for the latest Vaios: -

Have a look at the bottom of Page 9.

It is always wise to quote your Vaio model - if you have an older model then come back here and I can give you another link.



Hi all.
First of all, I must ask you to forgive me for very very bad English.
I am have the same problem, as Lee.
Iam have bought my laptop from my regional reseller, i am living in RF, so I don`t have an orpotunity to return it to manufacterer, the are some problems with our laws :devil:
So, my Vaio is constantly rebooting too, no matter what Iam doing (playing games (Aion for ex.) Com&Com 4, Supcom and others.. When Iam using Office (lic. I have bought it last year), It reboots too. What the ****?! - this was the first thing, which was bothering me for 1,5 hours. So, after that, I have decided to return this machine back to reseller, but the refused "This computer work propertly"- no way !
I am using VAIO VPCEB1M1R (here - sorry for ru-link, but I think, for English users there are the same page).
After sleepless night (today) I am ****ed this stupid lap, and found one of the problems - one of the components of my w7hb is crashing every time (er. code 7006).
All upts for w7hb is installed, vaio upts is installed. So, Iam do not have any mention, which can cause such kind of problem( especially with such annoing thing, as rebooting all the time).
The second idea, was overheating, but, my sec lap is using i5, and fathers i7 core processors, and there are no problems whith them. May be this is the problem of i3 procs, Who Knows...
Restoring the system whith using VRec do not solve the problem, it still sometimes rebooting without order :slight_frown:
So, If anybody have similiar problems, please give me some advices. Iam was planning to use this Vaio at home, and Iam liking his design, but this problem causes only headache, no pleasure from SV VPCEB...
Would be happy for any help.


Hi Blencogo,

Many thanks for the welcome and thanks for your reply.

I think you may be right that this is an older model. I have tried using the F10 key as suggested but the only screen I get is the one which gives me the following options:

Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Last Known Good Configuration

Start Windows Normally

Of course using any of these options ends up with the laptop rebooting itself again.

I had originally thought I would be able to restore the system using the Vaio Recovery Tool but even though this was in the start list, the program itself is missing (I assume this is due to a different OS from the original having been installed) and of course now I cannot even get in to windows.

My model is: VGN-A317S ... it's running (not at the moment though :wink: ) Windows XP Pro

Any further advice on how I might be able to restore the system from here would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

The instructions for recovering the system on your model are shown here: -

Unfortunately, if it does not work you may have to buy a set of Recovery Discs from Sony Support.
