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strange problem: vista "crashing" when hitting audioicon in taskbar


strange problem: vista "crashing" when hitting audioicon in taskbar

Hi all

Once again me... I've got a TZ11XN/B and after not finding drivers for xp I set it up with Vista. So far so good. Most is running as it should only one "minor" problem:
If I hit the sound/volume icon in the taskbar (the one with the speakerpic) my Vista crashes... Or at least the taskbar won't do anything anymore. I can click on all icons there, nothing. Neiter are there any popups any more (e.g. if you hoover over the battery you'll see after some time a popup with links to poweroptions). This is quite annoying because I have to relogin to solve the problem and I can't change sound by software. Btw, the Fn + volume up/down keys work properly. Sometimes I've got similar problems with the battery, but there the popup only won't disapear any more after displayed once. All drivers are installed correctly out of the recovery dvd. All in all there seems to be a problem with the Vista taskbar.
Any ideas what this could be about?? I've some experience with Vista but never encountered a similar problem before... :thinking:
