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Hi, having problems with back ground noise when playing Blu-Ray discs on my VGX-XL202. It comes in the form of a really annoying clicking/tapping sound especially when the film soundtrack is full of noise and music. Have downdloaded updates for WIN DVD -BD and firmware but with no joy. This is an expensive piece of equipment and should not have problems out of the box? Please, any suggestions
Hi Andy,
We aren't ignoring you - it just seems that none of the Users here has a solution for you.
You may have to open a case with SONY VAIO-LINK as it sounds like a one-off problem.
Hi Andy, Having the same problem did you fix it,i've downloaded updates from Vaio Link
slight improvement not complete.
I have exactly the same problem. I just bought the XL-202 one week before and
always if I watch a Blu-ray I have the Sound problems like you described.
Is there a solution in the meanwhile?
Otherwise I will send the device back because it is to expensive if it is not work.
Best regards