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Sony Z Series powering down and loud fan noise

Sony Z Series powering down and loud fan noise

Hi -

I bought a sony Z series laptop a little over two years ago (Vaio VPCZ11C5E). After a few months it began to occasionally produce a very loud fan noise and sometimes suddenly shut down. This was rare enough that I put up with it, but earlier this year it increased in regularity, and eventually was happening so regularly that it was becoming unuseable.

I contacted Sony support who asked me to carry out various diagnostics, but then acknowledged that the fan appeared to be faulty and arranged for it to be collected under warranty (it had a two year warranty).

The behaviour was bizarre as it didn't appear to be associated with heavy CPU usage - it would be as likely to happen soon after switching it on - the fan would get louder then occasionally fade back down, then come right up again and eventually it would power down. (I've read about similar problems on this forum with fan and overheating, but not particularly with the Z series).

Sony had it for a couple of weeks and then sent it back, having re-set it to factory settings and having also apparently replaced the fan. It seemed fine for a few weeks, very quiet, and then the behaviour started again.

I've actually replaced the Vaio laptop as my main machine as I cannot afford the time involved in sending it away again, having the hard disks wiped and re-installing and configuring it. It's also now out of warranty, which is a real pain as presumably if I do decide to get it looked at again I'll have to pay the Sony inspection fee before I can find out if they can fix it. However, since it wasn't fixed the first time, I have no real confidence that it will be fixed this time.

Can anyone tell me if this is a recognized issue, and if so is there a definitive solution  to the problem that I can be confident in spending the time/money resolving? At the moment I have a computer that cost me £2,500, and which I only use when I have something non-critical to do that involves me being away from my desk. Believe me, it wasn't easy to make the decision to spend that much cash on a computer, and when I did so it was in the expectation that this would be my main machine for a number of years ahead.

Regards, Steve.


Hallo Steve,

I had a similar problem with the VGN-Z (pre VPC Z model). It was at Sony a number of times - a long frustrating experience. I know exactly what you mean - moving critical work to another computer. You'd think paying 2500 GBP or more you get some kind of peace of mind.

First things first, a Sony Repair is itself under warranty for 90 days - are you within this period? (from the date of your first complaint after the repair).

Even if you are outside that period if the problem is the same as before you still have some rights to a repair. Only you have to "prove" that the problem is the same.

If you're in the UK try to deal directly with support (Belgium) (and NOTHING else!) and get them to agree that the problem looks very much the same as before. Get it checked at least for free.

Hope this helps for starters...


Thanks zorrochen, that's very useful information. Sadly my 3 month warranty will have expired as I think I sent it back to them in May (wish I'd realised this at the time, I'd have been a little quicker to get back in touch with them.

However, as it's pretty clearly the same issue it will be worth getting back in touch with them I guess. And the information about which support area to try to make contact with is also very helpful, many thanks for that!

Best wishes,
