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Recording Sky TV, To My Laptop "Is It Possible ?"

Recording Sky TV, To My Laptop "Is It Possible ?"

I have a Sony Viao VGN FZ11Z . I went to Comet Store asking how to record Sky TV, Movies e.c.t. (Not Box Office) to my laptop. I was told to buy a Kit of cables, Audio RED/White Two into one, S- Video, also a scat adapter which S-video, and Adio cables conected into, which then plugs into Sky Box, then conect to Laptop. "Easy the chap said" !!! Go into Media Centre veiw, and record...It did not work ???

I told him I do not have a video capture card. He said you do not need one if you conect the Sky Box to your laptop ???

Please can anyone tell me the best way to record movies from the Sky set top box. to my laptop, in as much as the same way we can with a recordable DVD player.

The FZ11Z has S-Video, VGA, also HDMI if this helps ...But no capture card ?? I am under the impresion with a capture card I could whatch, and record TV, or Freeview, but not Sky, also if I wanted to whatch one program while recording another I would need a twin tuner or something like this ...

So guys what is need to record Sky ...

Any help would be truely appreciated with this one ...

Kind Regards Colin ...


Hi Colin.

Your Vaio has no analogue video input - so the answer is NO. Your S-Video, VGA and HDMI are all OUTPUTS only.

You are going to need a Video capture device that will connect by USB. Either an external analogue TV card with a s-video input or a stand-alone capture device.

USB TV Card with S-Video Input

USB Video Capture Hardware


Hello Sony Vaio Chaps ...

Could anyone recomend any good products to use to capture Sky to laptop ...???

Also to keep up to date products that could alo caputure HD ...???

Blencogo thanks for your advice !!!

Regards Colin