Share your experience!
Hi all,
I bought a Vaio VGN-FS315E in Oct.2005, with a standard RAM of 512Mb ( 2x256Mb SODIMM DDR2 400MHz / PC2-3200 ), expandable to 2Gb.
I bought some days ago a 1x1Gb memory upgrade module type SODIMM DDR2 667MHz / PC2-5300, which I installed in place of 1 of the 2x256Mb modules (the other one was left in place), with all the specified care (cord plugged off, battery removed, computer cooled, etc).
Then, when I wanted to switch the computer back on ... no way ... not the single sign of reaction (while power adapter works, power gets in the computer and computer's power supply unit sounds like working ...) ... even after removing the 1Gb module and replacing it with the original 256Mb module ... and no more reaction when pressing both F12 and the power button at the same time ...
One last detail : When I last used my computer, I had exited in Hibernate mode.
Have you ever experienced anything such as this and have you any idea about what the problem might be and how to solve it ?
Thanx a lot for your lights !
J'ai acheté en Oct.2005 un Vaio VGN-FS315E, avec une RAM standard de 512Mo ( 2x256Mo SODIMM DDR2 400MHz / PC2-3200 ) extensible jusqu'à 2Go.
J'ai acheté il y a quelques jours une barrette de marque PNY de 1x1Go SODIMM DDR2 667MHz / PC2-5300, que j'ai installée en lieu et place d'1 de mes 2 barrettes existantes de 256Mo, en prenant les précautions qui vont bien (cable secteur débranché, batterie enlevée, ordi froid, etc). La 2nde barrette d'origine de 256Mo a été laissée en place.
Depuis, en appuyant sur mon bouton power, rien ... rien de rien ... la machine ne répond pas (même en faisant F12 lorsqu'on appuie sur le bouton power, et même après avoir réimplanté la barrette 256Mo d'origine que j'avais remplacée par celle de 1Go) ... aucun témoin lumineux ne s'allume ... alors que la diode de mon adaptateur secteur est allumée, que le courant parvient bien jusqu'à la prise d'alim de l'ordi et que l'alim de l'ordi a tout l'air de fonctionner ...
Petit détail : mon Vaio avait été éteint en mode Veille Prolongée.
Avez-vous déjà connu un problème d'un genre analogue, avez-vous la moindre idée sur le diagnostic et sur la réponse à apporter ?
Un grand merci d'avance pour vos lumières !
Hi Kepa2005 and welcome.
Can you boot from the CD/DVD Drive? Try with your Recovery DVD1 inserted before booting. Or try with a borrowed XP Installation disc and see if you can boot into the Recovery Console.
I'm not sure of the solution except to carry out a full Recovery to factory settings - but as this will erase all your programs and data, I think you should wait to see if someone else has any better idea.
You should of course not change your memory while the computer is in Hibernation. The Hibernation file size is directly linked to the amount of RAM you have installed. As you have added 768MB of RAM, your Hibernation file should be 768MB bigger. Your Pagefile will also increase by 1.5 times the increase = 1152MB.
As I said, wait for better advice but I don't know if you be able to resume from hibernation.
As you have posted this question about six times, I have removed some of your posts to avoid confusion. It is only necessary to post once.
If you can't even get to the point of booting then the problem extends far beyond the point of the hibernation.
You should get the VAIO logo screen at the very least.
Sounds like a very expensive problem if you ask me.
as i understand your laptop doesn't switch could try the following it might work:
remove the power adaptor from the laptop and remove the battery also. hold down the power button for 30 seconds. then replace the battery and power adaptor and try powering up again.its worth a try and does work on some laptops...hope it helps
Thanx Blencogo, Matt & Dekesh for your input !
... and the winner is ... (the fastest & the most likely accurate) ...
... a colleague of mine & Vaio owner by the way was puzzled by my problem ... had the feeling Hibernation might have something to do with it ... (so, thanx Blencogo to be definitive about this !) ... and thought about a last try to make before giving in ... : find & plug out then back in the specific battery that powers system ROM and enables it to keep safe system config ... in an attempt to wake up my aslept Vaio (since shocking it electrically failed to do so) ... so we plugged out then back in a little switch bordering the big battery place while ignoring the function of this switch ... then wanted to check if it was of any help ... just in case ... before setting to remove the keyboard in a proper search & find for this little battery ... and guess what ... this little almost nothing turned out to be the perfect shot ! ... my Vaio woke up !! ... so so cool !!!
End of the story !! (whereas I was, spiritless, already having to think about my next notebook ...)
Conclusion : Hibernation is not among the "don't do" in the warnings about changing memory modules ... Just why ?