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I have just bought a 4gb Memory Stick Pro Duo and by Viao does not recognise the content at all. All my other memory sticks work fine.
I know there is a software update but I can't find it. Any ideas?
Model: VGN-FS215E
Hi Malpas,
Have you tried downloading the patch from the support link on this page.Just click the support link, go into drivers and utilities,enter your model no and operating system and you will see a list of downloads.It may or may not be there for all vaio models but its worth a try. :smileygrin:
Can't find the 4GB Update but the 8GB Update is here: -
8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo Update Version
Well done and thank you. Just one question for the Vaio people. Why is it not obvious for me to find in the download section?
Your shortcut works splendidly...