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I am very desappointed with my Vaio sz 4 xwc


I am very desappointed with my Vaio sz 4 xwc

I have had a vaio sz4 for the past three years. I am very desappointed with the quality of the product. In 3 years I had 3 keyboards installed because the space bar stops working properly ( its a design flaw, that they dont correct so all sz keyboards must be like this).

The casing is not made of carbon, only parts of it. The sides of the casing goot loose and I had to pay 80 euros each to have them replaced. I had to fight to get a new touchpad, because sony does everything it cans not to honour the warranty. Well, I dont even believe that they are letting me post this here, but this was my last sony vaio purchase. After a z1 and a sz , never again.

PS: The german customer service is the worst of europe.