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CPU working temperature is too high?


CPU working temperature is too high?

I am not proud owner of the VAIO PCG K-415S.

Long time ago I have a problem with noise and heating of the excatly now 2 year old laptop. First I was thinking it is beocouse of the RAM is just 512kb, than when I upgraded to 1024kb it is same story. When I start my Vaio, ventilator start also to work, I was messured temperature of the CPU and it is too high, 75C, so I guess something is wrong?

Also I changed option in Sony Power menagment from Perfomanse, Adaptive and Degrade, but differences are so small that I don't see them except laptop is slower. Also how I know I didn't touched anything with overclocking. I have upgraded from Sony update BIOS and perhaps that is problem?

So how to deal with this?

Also button on the tastature for big letter is not working, I tried alone to fix this, but it is so complicated that I stoped before I made things even more worst.

Where to found that button and did we have some kind of the manuel to fix tastature, and last question will be where top found the newest drivers for VAIO laptops. Those what we have on Sony Update are so complicated and it is so much mess that I don't have idea what I downloaded and what no? Why driver update is not automatic, like for other laptops?

Thanx in advance


75 degrees is not too high if you have it on performance. However get a can of compressed air and blow out the vents underneath and at the back and sides of the chassis. Set the machine to adaptive. I have the older pCG K215z and it runs on adaptive at between 56 and 76 degrees. Noisy isn't it. If it isn't then your fan is not working properly. Use tune up utilities to get everything running sweetly here and do all it reccommends


Try using this. I have this, and it works very very well, even without turning the fans on.

Very nice cooler and reasonable price. I'll get one. These 2004 K series model laptops that flirted with desktop processors are tough at 3.06 GHZ and can do the business but boy they wear the fan to shreds. I still like mine and use it for all my webdesign work as XP is still in sync with most servers who still haven't made the vista transistion or gone for SQL Server 2008 and compatable with the best softwares. Vista and CS3 for example still need to make friends (occassionally crash).