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Clicking harddisk sound FE11S sequel

Clicking harddisk sound FE11S sequel

Now just like a lot of Vaio FE11S users I had the clicking sound where my hardisk is. People who suggest it is the hardisk working, please save me the trouble of telling 100 times it is not the harddisk working sound. I had enough laptops to know the difference.


Now what I would like to know is if there has been anyone who send his/her laptop to Sony back to let them check it out. If yes, I ofcourse would really like to know what sony told you or what you did eventually. It seems to me nobody knows the solution. I did call sony and told them everything about the problem. They said it was something wich is new to them. I gave them the club-vaio link where people posted about the same problem. This coming week I am going to send my laptop to sony, this clicking sound disturbs me a lot.

I know that there are previous threads about this Old thread about clicking sound link , but I wanted to post a sequal where people could post their experience and opinion. Please don't suggest me to open up my harddisk or laptop, and once again it is NOT the harddisk working sound.

What happens: "The hard disk makes irregularly a clicking sound which is pretty loud two. Most certainly is not a working sound. It sounds like something is hitting the plastic of the laptop or something else. When I shut down my laptop and restart the sound is gone for a while." I personally think it has something to do with the reading arm. The clicking sound appears always when the laptop is not working. It's like when the harddisk is not working it cant get into the resting position, and keep on trying. I hope sony is going to spend serious time on this problem, especially it seems to be a common problem.

Important suggestions and remarks of others:

hard drive is made by fujitsu & they have a diagnostic software tool on the fujitsu web site & when i ran it, the program said no hard drive found on laptop, i spoke to fujitsu & they said i should wait for later version of software to come out, which i will do! anyone who goes to fujitsu web site, the version i tryed is 6.40

This is the response I have received from Fujitsu regarding the issue: We connected this drive MHV2160BT to our analyser and installed Windows XP Pro, we did not hear any obvious clicking noise unless you place your ear next to the drive so it is very quiet even though this does go into sleep mode at around every 4-10 seconds (idle). I would investigate if you can further into the specifications and configurations fitting of your Sony Laptop.

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Having been told that the long awaited fix is now only for Japanese HDD's and there is no further fix, I just checked and they have conveniently closed my case!

How is that for customer service! My advice is to never by a Vaio again and tell everyone you know who is thinking of buying one about the problems and lack of support.



I had a post about the clicking problem, possible causes etc.

Clicking harddisk sound VGN-FE21S sequel

Just to summarize: it is not only VAIO problem or...
...well, decide your self.

Problem with hard drive clicking

But still, if you can squeeze a fix from SONY - DO IT!


Is There A Lawyer On This Forum?

Would like some advice concerning our situation and options

Thank you


I'm so happy that I've given my Vaio back. With the old serial number I'm able to follow the conversation in this thread and every time I read here I get one's more convinced that I will never buy anything from Sony again.

This brand has died for me!



someone who knows good english make a petition in the net here we must sum signatures


well this situation really does not inspire much confidence. my machine is less than 10 days old so i am going to try and return it as apart from this clicking issue it has other problems as well.


Please, could you tell me how can I burn the firmware updater as a boot CD? Could you maybe upload it just as a .ISO? I still want to give it a try 🙂

Lots of thanks.

You can create a boot CD with Nero using the files in the zip.

I think the only option is to buy a newer faster HDD.


They tried to fool me again, they tried to tell me lies...!!!

at last I got my firmware update cd from them,
the problem seems to be gone.
Hope it stays that way...
And I promise to myself never again to buy Sony's laptops...

Spread the news!

ps. I don't think my friends would like to buy such a laptop any more...


Started A Petition Regarding Sony's Customer Service Please Take Time To Preview