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AV Mode Help?


AV Mode Help?

Hi guys, I recently found out about the AV Mode, where you can listen to music and watch DVD's without actually booting Windows. So when I press the AV Mode button whilst my computer is off, it just boots Windows, this is probably something simple but thanks for your help :slight_smile: I have a AR41E by the way.


Hi .naVA.

AV Mode is different from "InstantON Mode". I'm afraid you don't have the InstantON feature on your AR-Series.

In Europe, only the CR-Series and the TZ-Series have this InstantON feature that can be used without booting into Windows. In the USA the FZ-Series also has it but not in Europe.

The AV Mode only allows you to pre-select a player from within Windows for displaying media - worse than useless!!


EDIT: Evening Thalamus - too quick for me again!!
