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AR41L HDD not functioning properly - or - I did something wrong


AR41L HDD not functioning properly - or - I did something wrong

I got my AR41L just a week ago or something.
As I expected - it was full of useless software and was not partitioned as I like.
I used my Vista DVD to install a clean version.
Some clicks and - done.
I thought that everything was fine. Installed my apps and drivers (video, etc).
Copied all my work and so on.
Then one day (actually the day before yesterday) computer "crashed" unexpected shutdown - as
Windows Vista Reliability Monitor said. Okey - no hard feelings. "Happens" i thought.
Did some work for couple of hours and then rebooted the system.
I didn't know what to do because it got "stuck" when it shows "VAIO" and "Phoenix" logos on startup. The led that shows "thinking process" was lid up. Waited about ~10mins and then held the Power Button down to shutdown the sys - waited ~1min - started up again and tried to go into BIOS. :devil: Pressed "F2" and i got "stuck" there also. No reaction - what so ever.
Okey. Switched the laptop off for some minutes and then fired up again. Booted fine and everything "looked" like works fine. Thought that somethings maybe missing - i remembered that i saw Intel Matrix Storage Manager installed before I clean installed. Downloaded Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver or whatever.

Seemed like ok.

Yesterday. In Vista - almost same symptoms - System just HANGED - "thinking led" - just lid up. I waited almost ~10minutes. Then everything just started to run smoothly. It did that many times. Almost in every hour once. Today.
I got very angry - started to write this post and started to reformat my hard drive.
First time i wanted to install Vista. Everything was fine until ~80% of that expanding files process and then It sayed that NO HARD DRIVE IS PRESENT or IS NOT RESPONDING? what the hell?

okey - again - downloaded those intel matrix bla drivers extracted them from the installer - pushed them on my usb memory and used them on windows installation - but - so - on the second try installation showed my hdd but i still used the drivers from usb memory.

My question is what is wrong with my HDD (or in general - whats wrong)?
I'm not sending it to repair service again - last time i waited 5.5 months and got
ar41l instead of ar21m.


I dont have words - clean install and still same problems. Windows like freezes and processor led just is lid up - nothing else - sometimes it comes back in like ~10 minutes - but sometimes it takes longer.


Anyone? Out there? Please help :slight_smile: