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Unable to save YouTube video to My account favorites

Unable to save YouTube video to My account favorites

I can search for and view Youtube videos on my Sony Bravia KDL NX46703 but today I tried to save one such video. I was at the screen where my selection was shown, waiting to be downloaded, having already viewed it and pressed the "Return" button.

I clicked on "Options" and then "Save to Favorites" and the video seemed to be saved without error.

I then clicked on "My Account" and then on "Favorites" expecting to see it had been saved but instead I got the message "Network Error - Retry or Cancel".

"Retry" just repeated the message.

I am not aware of a network error as all seems to be in order and working.

Can anyone put me right please?

OOOps: Later addition: Am I misunderstanding what "Favourites" means? I thought I was saving this video on my account so that I could return to it in the future. Or am I wrong? Have I simply flagged the video so that other Youtube viewers will know it is a favourite of mine?

Message was edited by: little_lamb

Edited to aid clarification of question.