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Sony 32W705B support more then 2 TB disk support via USB


Sony 32W705B support more then 2 TB disk support via USB

Good evening,

Yesterday I bought a sony TV 32W705B (2014 model) and I would like to purchase a 4TB hardisk to play file in MKV format by connecting it to the USB port of TV.

It seem that on some televisions there is a limit of only 2TB with USB devices.
It seems that this limit is caused by the lack of support of GPT allocation table.
I formatted a 128 GB SSD disk with the MBR allocation table and I was converted to GPT.

I tried the disc on differents devices TV and blu ray, the disc is not detected.

The same disk was reformatted using the MBR allocation table and all the devices was read and recognized properly.

After I do a test with the same disk converting it to GPT and connected with the new sony 32W705B and with surprise I see that sony reads and recognizes properly the disk (and it was the only).

At this point I wonder: my sony TV 32W705B support disks larger then 2TB ?

thank you !

Not applicable

Hi there


Once apon a time there was a 2TB limit, however I am just looking at the specs and help documentation, I cannot see anywhere it states 2TB limit for your model TV.


I would have thought it would be stated in the following:


I cannot confirm either way, as I dont have this model TV

