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KDL 37EX720 Won't Start Recording an Early Show

KDL 37EX720 Won't Start Recording an Early Show


I've found a bug/undesired behaviour with my TV.

It won't start recording the program to the USB HDD if there's a disparity between the program guide program starting time and the actual starting time - if the show starts a bit earier or later than in the guide.

This is what is happening:

1) The program that I want to record starts (about a minute earlier than displayed in the guide)

2) I press record

3) A message appears: "Recording cannot start because the program will end in less than a minute"

* So my choice is either to give up recording or record the program without the start - not good!

Trying to be smart :slight_smile:

1) I press record a bit earlier than the scheduled starting time

2) It starts recording

3) But... stops at the time when it thinks that the previous show has ended

So - is there a way to record what I want?

I strongly think that the manual recording shouldn't be tied to the start/end times of the guide, but should start recording whatever is on at the moment and end recording only after pressing stop.

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Does anybody have a solution to this?

This behaviour is very frustrating...

Or maybe somebody can just confirm that this is happening with other TV sets too?