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KDL-32EX723 Blotches on screen

KDL-32EX723 Blotches on screen

Hi there only had this KDL-32EX723 TV for a couple of weeks brand new and I am finding these greenish  blotches on screen when it should be pure black also have noticed that on some programs if someone wearing black jacket or black or dark hair again its not clear its blotchy, I dont know if its related but the other day there was a person with a beard and as they moved it looked like there was some kind of 'lag' where there face moved and the beard sort of like blurred and then followed only in milliseconds but noticable and again with their striped black jacket they moved but the stripe on the jacket lagged behind for a millisecond and was blotchy. Any settings I can change or could there be a fault with the set? Thanks.