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My Xperia S has been prompting me to update to 6.2.B.1.96 for the last month but it is not working. I also get the same prompt from PC Companion on my PC.
I connect the phone and follow the prompts but it fails at the same point every time. Step 2. Prepare. The progress bar gets about a third of the way through and then stops. Preparing computer for software update. Initialising....
Then nothing else happens. I've left it running overnoght but nothing.
It is getting very annoying now as I can't even get rid of the prompt on my phone.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks very much. SUS worked a treat.
Not sure why PC Comp didn't work but it doesn't matter now.
As i mentioned in the other post, i face the same problem. Now SUS is not working - saying that there is no network connection. Even with firewalls down it still cant connect.
hi there pls i did installed pc companion and SUS but neither of them solve my update problem , i always stuck in the connect step when i have to hold the volume down while plugging in the USB cable , pls i need help in this problem
Not sure if this helps you, but whenever I connect my Xperia to SUS, it never recognises it the first time. But If I unplug it ant try again it connects fine.
Neither PC companion nor SUS helped to Update Xperia S update 6.2.b.1.96
this is so irritating, it's facing some wierd network problems.
Started hating Xperia