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hey guys!
i bought my phone yesterday. its awesome! but when i checked the ram usage it said around 160mb used n around 160 mb free. but i thought it is supposed to show 512 mb totally. i called the cc guys they said certain "internal apps" use a part of the ram so that finally you are left with 320mb. is it true guys? what does it show for you ppl? will i be able to run games like nfs and fifa 12?
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Hi, can run those games and as the customer service said about the RAM it's true,
check info on the RAM...
What Sony listed is correct, and what your phone shown is also correct.
What sony shown are the actual DEFAULT amount of memory and ram, but when you look at your phone it shown different because some of its memory/ram are being use to system apps/script,etc. and this "amount" is varies between phone.
Example: it has 1gb memory, which is default.....but then they install Android OS and its apps, thus on your phone the actual amount is less'n, and the same applies for ram.
if any more quarry let me know..:smileyhappy:
and don't forget to mark my answer as correct and helpful..:smileywink:
Hi, can run those games and as the customer service said about the RAM it's true,
check info on the RAM...
What Sony listed is correct, and what your phone shown is also correct.
What sony shown are the actual DEFAULT amount of memory and ram, but when you look at your phone it shown different because some of its memory/ram are being use to system apps/script,etc. and this "amount" is varies between phone.
Example: it has 1gb memory, which is default.....but then they install Android OS and its apps, thus on your phone the actual amount is less'n, and the same applies for ram.
if any more quarry let me know..:smileyhappy:
and don't forget to mark my answer as correct and helpful..:smileywink:
thanks man!
Haha 😄 your enjoy your phone
Oh forgot to tell you welcome to the forum....:-D
i need help my Xperia neo works little bit slow bcoz its RAM always become full what should i do to clean it is there any software? kindly suggest me
Dont use any task killer if you are in ICS. Please take note that previously, google did not provide internal task killer for GB butin ICS google did provide internal task killer. Long press your home button and you will see the running apps. just simply slide it and it is completed close. BUT you might notice that your ram or memory still running almost in full capacity. In ICS you could just simply disable the apps from running in background. Just simply go to SETTING>APP and press the apps that u wan to disable. For ICS in Sony. It came with Astro file manager. My opinion and experience suggest you that just uninstall it. It totally crash your phone because when you delete something in your phone, and Astro file manager will refresh and kinda like scanning media file. SLOW CRASH AND BATTERY KILLER. Now back to task killer issue. If you install any 3rd party task killer(apps in google store) it will crash with google ICS built in task killer. And your phone will jam and get slow. Because android is an OS. Operating system and you need to allow it to run in order to keep it in operation. So if you killed it, and it need to start all over again. It is just like you start you car engine and you force stop it but yet demand your car to keep going and even in acceleration. This is imposible right? Sooner and sooner your engine will spoilt. So do with your phone OS.