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Hello at all.
a year ago the phone fell on ground. since that time it has broken digitizer. the broken digitizer still works nicely. i gave it to a professional repair company. they ordered a new digitizer and replaced it. but it didnt work. they thought the sparepart is also defective. they ordered a second one. but also didn't work.
then i sent phone to datrepair. also big company. they said it cannot be repaired because of no stock rom. descided to make some research by myself. now i ordered a digitizer by myself and replaced it. was quite easy by the way. but it only works partly. there are working areas and non working areas. where is the problem? installed mouse and tested it with the service tests> touchscreen. before replacing the digitizer and for testing i flashed stockrom 2.3 an 4.04
Thanks in advance.
Regards Rafael.
this is the new touchscreen.
again. the broken touchscreen works nicely.
are there soo many defective touchscreens on marketf
Solved! Go to Solution.
i think the digitzier gives absolute position of every touch. The data from digitzier is tranfered by specific protocol of sony. i dont think the the interpretation of touches happens in the mainboard. or by driver. i suppose is has problems with initate the touch or something like that.
Is there a way to calibrate the touchscreen?