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Prerequisite to activate Timescape/Facebook Inside Xperia in Xperia S


Prerequisite to activate Timescape/Facebook Inside Xperia in Xperia S

Hello Spartans,

I would like to know the prerequisite to activate Timescape for Facebook/Twitter in Xperia S mobile & also for activating 'Facebook Inside Xperia'.

I followed below steps and nothing seems to be working :-

Timescape for Facebook :-


1. Settings -> Accounts & Sync -> ON (made available for Facebook)

2. Opened 'Timescape' and clicked on 'Facebook' option, Facebook app screen opens and loads and comes back to 'Timescape' page with 'Connect to Facebook' option.

How should i proceed ? Which setting am i missing?

Facebook Inside Xperia :-


1. Settings -> Accounts & Sync -> ON (made available for Facebook)

2. Settings -> Xperia -> Facebook Inside Xperia is checked.

Again facebook screen opens, loads. Comes back to same 'Facebook Inside Xperia' screen & the option is unchecked automatically.

How should i proceed ? Which setting am i missing?

Suggest me some valid Explanation or method, please for god sake don't ask me to reinstall using PC companion, this sunday only i had got an update for new version and my android is updated successfully.


i have a same that please help..